Contact details
You can contact us any time by phone or email, or visit our Service Centre during business hours. We're here to help with questions, feedback, or if you need assistance.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 04 296 4700
Freephone: 0800 486 486
Post: 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032, New Zealand
If you send us an email, message on Antenno, or a request after 5pm, we'll take care of it the next business day. For urgent issues, please call us right away.
Media enquiries: Sue Owens, Manager - Communications, Engagement and Events. Phone: 027 555 5676.
If you need help with hearing or speech, please use NZ Relay services.
Official information requests
You can ask Council for official information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. This law helps people in Aotearoa New Zealand get information from local government, encourages openness, and lets more people take part in local government.
When making a request, be sure to include your name, your postal or email address, and clear details about the information you want.
See Official information requests for more information.
Customer complaints
If you're unhappy with something Council has or has not done, you can make a complaint following our corporate Customer Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions Policy [PDF 976 KB]. You can submit your complaint using our online complaints form.
If you're not sure how to make a complaint, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 0800 486 486.
Unreasonable conduct
Council has a zero-tolerance policy towards unreasonable behaviour towards staff. This behaviour will be handled according to our corporate Unreasonable Conduct Policy [PDF 1.06 MB].