Biodiversity is the variety of living plants and animals on land, in fresh water and in the sea. Kāpiti's attractive natural environment has a diverse range of ecosystems, but our increasing population and development can have adverse effects on this landscape.
Kāpiti Coast District Council is responsible under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) for identifying and protecting areas of significant native vegetation and habitats of threatened native species. We use a mix of regulation, projects and work with other agencies to protect and support Kāpiti's biodiversity.
Related links
- Native dune plants poster [PDF 6.53 MB]
- Riparian Fund Criteria [PDF 126 KB]
- Kāpiti Coast District endemic flora species list [PDF 1.04 MB]
- Manaaki Whenua | Landcare Research
- New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
- QEII National Trust
- Weedbusters
- Caring for Sand Dunes [PDF 3.04 MB]
Updated 23 September 2024