Service status
In recent times, the Kāpiti Coast District has experienced increasingly regular and significant weather events. This page will keep our community updated on what's happening with our services due to maintenance or through weather events, from road closures to communities and facilities impacted, and what to do if you need to report incidents or events, or need help.
Please log reports of damage through Antenno, and check out our Facebook, and other channels at Follow us.
MetService weather warnings
- See MetService Severe weather for further information.
- Now's a great time to clear your gutters and spouting of leaves!
Note: we share MetService weather warnings, but not weather watches. See MetService Weather warnings and watches for how these differ.
Sandbags, sand and empty bags are available for anyone living in flood-prone areas. You can collect these from the Council depot at 25 Fytfield Place, Paraparaumu.
Road updates
We're fixing the footpath on Raumati Road between the roundabouts at Old State Highway 1 and Rimu Road.
Please take care when driving and use an alternative route if possible.
As part of our Ōtaki wastewater upgrade, we’re laying 2.7 kilometres of new wastewater pipe along Aotaki Street and Mill Road to the Old State Highway.
Traffic management will be in place at various times while this important work is completed. Thanks for your patience. Read more about this major infrastructure upgrade for Ōtaki.
See Ōtaki Gorge Road slip for more information.
See our upcoming chipseal resurfacing schedule. This work is to be completed during January–March 2025. All work is dependent on weather and the availability of construction resource. Traffic control will be in place – please follow the direction of site crews.
Road to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic from 7:00am to 5:00pm approximately, on Saturday 8 March and Sunday 9 March 2025.
Section of Marine Parade Ōtaki Beach:
Located between Koromiko Street and Tasman Road
During the periods of closure, the following provision will be made, for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the road:
There will be a detour in place for residents only:
Marine Parade southbound: Left onto Koromiko Street, right onto Moana Street, and right onto Tasman Road.
Marine Parade northbound: Right onto Tasman Road, left onto Moana Street and left onto Koromiko Street.
Partial closures
None at this time.
Upcoming closures
None at this time.
Partial closures
No current closures.