Renaming SH1
With the Kāpiti Expressway open, and responsibility for the old State Highway 1 (SH1) transferred to Council we have a unique opportunity to rename this local road.
As part of the 'revocation' process to make the old SH1 a local road, the stretch of road between Poplar Avenue and Peka Peka Road is no longer classified as a state highway. This means it can no longer be called a state highway for address and identification purposes.
In early 2017 we invited the Kāpiti Coast community to have their say on possible names for seven sections of SH1 between Poplar Ave in Raumati and Peka Peka. More than 580 people engaged in our SH1 renaming conversation and all suggestions received were assessed against the Criteria for SH1 Renaming. At the time no decisions were made and the project was put on hold due to delays with the revocation process.
The revocation process is complete, and work will commence shortly to restart the renaming project.

See larger image [PNG 55 KB].
Sections of SH1 to be renamed
- Paekākāriki to Mackays Crossing (this section no longer needs to be renamed as it has retained its state highway status)
- Poplar Avenue to Kāpiti Road
- Paraparaumu north to Waikanae River
- Waikanae town
- Waikanae to Peka Peka
- Hadfield Road connection
- Peka Peka Road to Te Kowhai Road (this section of road will now form part of the PP20 revocation process).
Representatives and historians of the district’s three iwi and a local historian identified possible names for the seven sections of SH1 to be renamed that reflect the district’s rich historical and cultural history. The names are:
- Section 1 – Hurumutu
- Section 2 – Hokowhitu
- Section 3 – Rauoterangi
- Section 4 – Kākākura
- Section 5 – Unaiki
- Section 6 – Katu
- Section 7 – Matene Te Whiwhi.
- Draft Minutes Paekākāriki Community Board 8 Aug 2017 [PDF 229 KB]
- Draft Minutes Paraparaumu–Raumati Community Board 12 September 2017 [PDF 244 KB]
- Draft Minutes Waikanae Community Board- 5 September 2017 [PDF 234 KB]
- Draft Minutes Ōtaki Community Board 15 August 2017 [PDF 201 KB]
- Criteria for Road Naming [PDF 370 KB]
- Possible name descriptions [PDF 1.02 MB]