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Nourish you, nurture our planet, The Sustainable Foods journey

Sustainable Foods Limited commenced production at their Te Roto Drive Factory on the Kāpiti Coast in January 2020. Establishing their consolidated production sites to a world-class, scalable facility here in Kāpiti.
Sustainable Foods consumer facing brand is plan*t. The company has achieved rapid growth, with plan*t becoming a leading plant-based protein innovator and producer.
Sustainable Foods Chief Executive Officer, Justin Lemmens shares how the company approaches their business practices through a sustainability lens across their extensive operations.
With many consumers turning to a plant-based diet due to health and ethical reasons, the company saw a need for high-protein and better tasting products to deliver for this market. Sustainable Foods is on a journey to improve their sustainability practices for production.
“We are working to establish a sustainability baseline and this fundamentally focuses around a carbon calculator. Looking at the carbon footprint of all areas of the business including stationary fuel, refrigeration gases, electricity/gas, freight, raw materials and packaging. It is a big process and includes a complex carbon calculator worksheet.”
“However, we need to dive down and be clear on our baseline position. Paint the picture of where we are now so you can record and track our sustainability progress. It needs to be defensible, so auditors can review our progress. Initially we are focused at a company wide level and then we will drill down to individual products carbon footprints. “
"As a company we have spent time understanding what sustainability means to the people we hold important. Engaging with business-to-business clients, funders, shareholders, staff, distributors and suppliers. Plus of course our consumers and ensuring we are listening to drive our sustainability framework and policies.”
Lemmens outlines that a critical part of what they currently do is having robust food control plans in place.
“We have detailed food control plans to have an approved supplier chain. We review sourcing to ensure that suppliers align and fit with our pillars. You need to go on journey with suppliers to ensure we are all heading in the right direction.”
Sustainability should be a key area of action for the Kāpiti district shares Lemmens.
“Kāpiti is in a position to champion this cause. With the district being picturesque and including a wealth of natural assets and also a growing population. This presents an opportunity to embrace sustainability without legacy issues of things not being done well in the past and hard to fix. This will take leadership and guidance to drive business and community. Working alongside key partners, including the council and central government. We as a company are committed to working together for the best environmental outcomes for the district.”
It can be a challenging road for businesses with Lemmens saying what could be deemed best practice today is not always the same tomorrow.
“ Resource is always a challenge especially when you are an innovator. Stakeholders are looking for validation that requires research and an overall cohesive plan.”
“Sustainability is a rapidly developing area across the globe, information is not always reputable. We need time to validate sources and make sure we are making meaning full impact.”
“We are lucky to have a wealth of knowledge in our advisory board in the sustainability space. Internally, the team has a full time Sustainability Manager, who has a focus on leveraging and delivering best practice.”
“You cannot have a business who delivers on sustainability unless that business is sustainable to operate in the future. You need to balance resources and take consumers and stakeholders with you on the journey.”
Lemmens has advice for any other businesses who want to add more sustainable practices within their business.
“Be clear about your sustainability strategy and the outcomes you want to achieve. Plus, if needed explore engaging with an expert partner who understands your business and can support you.”
Sustainable Foods has a commitment from their entire team to back themselves and make a difference at scale. Their plan*t range has received numerous Gold awards at the New Zealand Artisan Awards, as well as Sustainable Foods receiving the award for Business of the Year at the Kāpiti Horowhenua Electra Business Awards. Having sustainability at the heart of their business has also resulted in the company becoming a top 10 finalist from 260 entrants in the Future Food Asia Awards (FFA) back in June 2021.