In an emergency
Your neighbourhood community emergency hub is your number one resource in an emergency until wider services can bring help – which may take as long as seven days. See WREMO's Kāpiti community emergency hubs to find out where yours is, and how you can help prepare for an emergency.
Emergency updates
Follow official channels for emergency updates. You’ll find official emergency updates on:
- Council’s Facebook page
- Council’s website
- WREMO's Facebook page
- WREMO's website
- WREMO's Twitter
- Civil Defence’s website
- Radio New Zealand National (frequencies 567AM; 101.5FM).
You can also get hazard information delivered to your mobile phone from Red Cross Hazard App.
Download Antenno – a free mobile app that we use to send you Council-related notifications including alerts about weather warnings, floodings, major water outages, roadworks, closures and more.
You can also use the app to send reports to alert us about Council-related issues in your area. Read more about our Antenno mobile app.

- Stay out of evacuation zones until you get the all clear.
- Evacuate on foot or by bicycle if you can.
- Go to friends or family outside the evacuation zone if you can, or follow directions from the Council on the day.
- If you're outside the tsunami zone, stay put. This will help those who are at most risk to evacuate in time.
After a tsunami
- Listen to the radio for civil defence advice.
- Don’t go sightseeing.
- Don’t go down to the sea.
- Don’t return to your property until you have been told it is safe to do so.
There are a number of hazards associated with earthquakes; see GNS Science's Earthquake hazards page for more information.
When a flood threatens
- Listen to your local radio station, or keep an eye on the channels outlined above at Emergency updates.
- Lift household items as high above the floor as possible, and use watertight containers where you can.
- If you feel unsafe, self-evacuate; don't wait for an official warning.
- Move out of the flooded area or go to the nearest high ground.
During a flood
- Don't attempt to drive or walk through floodwaters.
- Check on your neighbours and anyone who may need your help.
During and after floods, Council may pump out flooded properties and sections. Assessment of flood damage is carried out by our operations team on a case-by-case basis, to determine if a stormwater network contributed to the flooding so the necessary maintenance carried out.
Cleaning up after a flood
Only return home when official sources advise it's safe.
After a flood, there’s likely to be a big clean-up needed. Take care to protect your health while doing this, and follow the advice at these links:
- State Insurance’s What to do after a storm or flood (check with your insurer early!)
- Build Magazine’s Repairing flood-damaged houses