Age Friendly Kāpiti
Kia rongo ai ō tātou kaumātua ki te manaakitanga, kia whai pānga, kia whai wāhi hoki rātou ki te tautoko, i ēnei rangi tonu me te anamata.
Our older people feel cared for, connected and able to contribute, now and into the future.
Being an age friendly district is part of a global aspiration led by the World Health Organization. Our Age Friendly Approach is based on the World Health Organization’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Framework which seeks to foster healthy and active aging across a range of domains.
Read about our Age friendly approach. [PDF 18.76 MB]
Our community partners
Digital Seniors
Weekly social learning spaces in trusted places like libraries and community halls. We’re here for seniors to receive free one-on-one coaching and support using their devices in a positive, fun and social environment.
Paekākāriki Bowling Club
10 Wellington Road, Kāpiti
2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Waikanae Library
9 Mahara Place, Waikanae
Wednesdays 10:30am - 12:30am
Paraparaumu Library
9 Iver Trask Place, Paraparaumu
Thursdays 10:00am - 12:00pm
Volunteer Kāpiti
Older Persons – sharing skills/knowledge, connecting and making a difference in the community through volunteering.
If you are interested in knowing more or being involved, get in touch with Volunteer Kāpiti.
Age concern
To provide different ways older people can find out about and participate in community activities.
Age concern Kāpiti put together a program of events for 65+ in our District in March 2025.
Age concern is also working on an intergenerational project with local youth, looking at ways for older people in Kāpiti to share their knowledge and experience. If you would like to know more or find out how you could be involved, please contact Age Concern Kāpiti.
Telephone: 04 298 8879 or freephone 0800 65 2 105
Facebook: ageconcernkapitinz
Email: [email protected]

Hora te pai
Toiora Kaumātua: Provide social connection and support for older Māori people, through coordinated regular kaumātua māori meetings. To help address equity issues for kaumatua Māori.
If you would like to know more or find out how you could be involved, please contact Hora te pai.
Hora Te Pai Health Services - Hora Te Pai website
Telephone 0800 122 505
Our Council
At council we are working to be more age friendly through-out our organisation.
Here a some of the ways we are being age friendly:
Parks and open spaces
Play spaces
Fully Fenced parks
Exercise equipment
Tracks and Trails
We offer mobility aids at the library to assist borrowers and can help them to their cars if needed.
Our collection includes a well-maintained large print section and a talking book section, both equipped with nearby chairs for comfort. We also provide a magnification viewer, magnifying sheets, and glasses for use within the library. Additionally, we offer assistance in selecting books for individuals with visual impairments.
Our library hosts a weekly Digital Seniors Drop-In, supported by daily sessions. E-book readers will soon be available to borrow, helping patrons facing challenges with deteriorating vision.
Our service counters are user-friendly, and we have walking stick holders available at the counter. Furthermore, we offer a telephone reservation service for borrowers who do not have email access.
Council older persons housing
The council provide 118 Older persons housing units. Provision of fit-for-purpose compliant Older Person's housing through the Housing Refurbishment programme.
To date 96 of 118 units have been fully refurbished to a high standard removing baths and shubs to replace with more age-appropriate shower cubicles (or wet showers where possible). The maintenance programme ensures a high standard of amenity with grounds and repairs being maintained by council and approved contractors.
Through our Tenant Liaison contractor, who visits tenants, we have oversight of vulnerable tenant's welfare and wellbeing. This includes referral to support agencies, and medical professionals as needed.
Aquatic centres
AquaFit (Hi & Lo)
We offer two classes in the Main Pool, shallow end, that are suitable for the active older adult. This pool is heated to 28deg.
AquaFit timetable
AquaMove is a our specialist class which is seen as a good starting point for those who are beginning their AquaFit journey or returning to exercise after injury, accident or surgery. This class offers a safe environment in the warm Programmes Pool (heated to 32deg.) to exercise with a focus on technique, posture, and alignment.
AquaEase is designed for adults with mobility issues and joint pain, such as arthritis. Taught in small groups (8 maximum), this class provides more focus on the needs of individuals in a safe environment with gentle movements and stretching exercises in the warmer water of the Programmes Pool (32deg.).