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Enviroschools support
Enviroschools is a long-term, holistic programme for schools and preschools dedicated to sustainability of the environment and communities.
Empowering young people is central to the Enviroschools action learning cycle approach. Learning about and incorporating Māori perspectives and the diversity within our communities is also woven through all elements of the programme.
Close to 1000 schools across the country (one-third of all Aotearoa New Zealand schools) are involved in the Enviroschools network. This includes primary and secondary, mainstream schools and kura Māori, and schools across all deciles. There is also a growing number of early childhood centres. A network of over 60 facilitators work alongside students, teachers, whānau and community to establish and support schools in their action-learning journey.
In the Kāpiti Coast District there are eight Enviroschools committed to a long-term, whole-school sustainability journey:
- Kapakapanui School
- Paraparaumu School
- Raumati South School
- Little Earth Montessori Preschool
- Raumati South Kindergarten
- Waikanae Kindergarten
- Paraparaumu Playcentre
- Kāpiti College.
A number of other schools are connected to the network through cluster meetings and are also doing great things for the environment at their schools.
Each school follows a unique path, including elements from sustainable areas such as Living Landscapes, Healthy water, Zero Waste, Precious Energy and Ecological Building.
If you are a staff member of a local preschool or school, and would like to know more, visit the website www.enviroschools.org.nz or contact Amanda Dobson, local Enviroschools facilitator, on:
Phone: 022 633 4151
Email: [email protected]
The Enviroschools programme in the district is made possible in part by the financial support of Kāpiti Coast District Council.