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Waste minimisation
Are you learning about waste or looking at reducing waste at your school, early childhood centre, or organisation? Check out our free waste education programme and resources to support your waste minimisation projects.
You can find out more about waste management in Kāpiti in our Rubbish and recycling section.
Zero Waste Education Programme
This award-winning programme is available free to all primary schools in Kāpiti.
Delivered by our waste minimisation advisor, the programme helps children investigate the links between the earth’s natural resources, the products they use and see around them, and the waste that pollutes our environment.
There are seven units, each focusing on a specific solution to our waste problem:
- Years 1/2: “Is that Really Rubbish Unit” and “The Litterless Lunchbox Unit” (2 lessons each)
- Years 3/4: “Reduce Unit” and “Reuse Unit” (4 lessons each)
- Years 5/6: “Recycling Unit” and “Composting Unit” (4 lessons each)
- Years 7/8: “Resource Sustainability Unit” (4 lessons)
Contact our waste minimisation advisor on [email protected] for more information.
Other resources
Schools and organisations can apply for Waste reduction grants for projects that come within the criteria outlined.
Schools can contact our waste minimisation advisor on [email protected] for more information and support around:
- litterless lunchboxes
- recycling
- setting up composting and worm farms at your school
- transfer station and composting facility tours
- running a school litter clean-up in your local community.
Free waste checks are available to your school, early childhood centre, group of five or more households, or other community group or organisation; businesses may be able to access a free waste audit as part of a waste levy-funded Save on Waste programme. Contact our waste minimisation advisor ([email protected]) for more information.
- Litterless Lunchbox [PDF 479 KB]