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Water education
On the Kāpiti Coast, everybody recognises that water is a resource we need to use wisely. We need to make sure that we, and future generations, have a reliable, quality water supply and have healthy streams, rivers and lakes. You can find out more about Kāpiti's drinking water at Water supply.
Our role is to:
- ensure the community has a healthy, reliable and affordable water supply
- work with the community to manage their water use so we can ensure that our water supplies are sufficient for now and into the future.
Learning about our water supply and ways of using water wisely has wide support in our community.
Our Safe Drinking Water – video
A 30 minute version of the film, Our Safe Drinking Water, has been developed for use in schools. It features a visit by students from Paekākāriki School to the Waikanae Water Treatment Plant. This version has been shortened to under 12 minutes for the web.
Learning programme resources
The following water education resources have been developed for local early childhood centres, schools and colleges. These learning programmes meet the education objectives set in the early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki and The New Zealand Curriculum, the curriculum for primary and secondary schools.
- Water is a treasure - He Tāonga te wai [PDF 5.76 MB]
Early childhood unit - Water is precious - water is wonderful [PDF 5.29 MB]
Year one and two unit - Water is precious - we need water [PDF 3.62 MB]
Year three and four unit - Water is precious - every drop counts [PDF 3.13 MB]
Year five and six unit - Water is precious - water is life [PDF 2.25 MB]
Year seven and eight unit - He Tāonga te wai - water is precious [PDF 1.55 MB]
Year nine unit