Executive management
Council's Executive Management team is made up of our Chief Executive, and seven group managers.
Chief Executive
Darren Edwards
Our Chief Executive is the principal administrative officer of the Kāpiti Coast District Council, solely responsible to the elected members for managing Council's affairs and all policy advice.

Darren started in this role in October 2022. He brings over 30 years' experience across the public sector in both central and local government, with more than seven years in senior leadership roles in local government.
Seven group managers report directly to the Chief Executive; they're responsible for the successful management of the activities in their areas.

The Infrastructure and Asset Management Group looks after the Council-owned assets across our district, including water, roading, stormwater and coastal assets, and wastewater and water treatment.
The Group is responsible for the following functional areas:
- Water and Wastewater Assets
- Access and Transport
- Stormwater and Coastal Assets
- Wastewater and Water Treatment
- Operations
- Coastal Management
- Property and Facilities Maintenance
- Project Management Office.
Group Manager – Strategy and Growth
Kris Pervan
The Strategy and Growth Group is responsible for strategic oversight and advice around where the Kāpiti Coast is heading, including how it develops and grows into the future to meet community needs.

The Group also plans for and monitors our district's recovery from emergency events that affect the district to ensure resiliency and recovery through the short and medium term.
The Strategy and Growth Group includes the following eight functional areas:
- District Planning
- Housing
- Economic Development
- Property Acquisitions and Purchases
- Research and Policy
- Takutai Kapiti project (Coastal adaptation)
- Strategic Development (including developer facilitation)
- Strategy (including sourcing for external funding).

The Customer and Community Group holds the Kāpiti Coast community close. It provides communications, engagement and events leadership and support to teams across Council; leads Council’s climate change action activities; delivers funding, programmes and activities that support social and cultural wellbeing; and manages the Council’s key social and recreational assets, facilities and services that underpin the Kāpiti Coast District’s distinctive culture of active and passive wellbeing.
The Customer and Community Group is made up of six teams:
- Communications, Engagement, and Events
- Creativity and Culture
- Parks, Open Spaces and Environment
- Libraries Services
- Aquatics Facilities
- Climate Action and Connected Communities.
- embed mana whenua perspectives in our mahi
- enhance Māori participation in Council services, activities and decision-making
- uphold our commitments to te Tiriti o Waitangi and mana whenua of the Kāpiti Coast District.
The Group provides strategic advice, thought leadership, guidance and support across our Council on te ao Māori, kaitiakitanga and Māori community needs, and delivers a range of programmes and initiatives that support the social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing of our communities.
Group Manager – Corporate Services
Mark de Haast
The Corporate Services Group is responsible for the Council’s financial management, procurement, digital infrastructure, corporate reporting, risk management, governance, and legal services.

The Corporate Services whānau are focussed on delivering relevant, timely and fit-for-purpose tools and information to best support Council’s elected members, staff and key stakeholders. The Group is made up of five main teams:
- Finance
- Digital Solutions
- Governance
- Legal Services
- Risk and Assurance.
Group Manager – People and Capability
Rach Wells
Our People and Capability Group supports the health, safety, and wellbeing of our people, and is committed to making our Council a great place to work.
The group provides:
- health and safety leadership
- Human Resources services
- payroll services
- learning and development programmes and support.