Decisions from public excluded sessions
This information lists the most recent decisions first. That the resolution be released from public excluded business:
Council meeting 30 January 2025
Appointment of District Licensing Committee list member
A. That the Council appoint Julia Palmer to the District Licensing Committee as list member effective from 30 January 2025 for a term of 5 years ending on 30 January 2030.
B. That the Council approves the release of this report ‘Appointment of District Licensing Committee List member’ (excluding appendices) and the resolutions from public excluded business.
Council meeting 30 November 2023
Ōtaki Reservoir Contracts and Delegation of Financial Authority
That Council:
- Note:
- Progress with the upgrades to the Potable Water Network, sub-project 1A Ōtaki Reservoir.
- That two major tenders are currently in progress for the Mains Pipeline and Tank Construction, with an expectation that each of these tenders will exceed the Chief Executives Delegated Financial Authority level.
- That these tenders will be evaluated, and contracts negotiated over the December 2023/January 2024 period.
- That approval of Kāinga Ora will be required prior to these contracts being executed in accordance with the IAF Funding Agreement.
- Council notes that funding provided is made up of $10.38 million from Council and $9.16 million from the IAF.
- Approve:
- Authorising the Chief Executive to accept or decline tenders for the mains pipeline and tank construction for the Ōtaki Reservoir.
- Authorising the Chief Executive to enter into contracts necessary to complete the Three Waters IAF Funded Enabling Infrastructure Project 1 – upgrades to potable water network.
- Delegation of financial authority to the Chief Executive to authorise expenditure up to $19.54m necessary to complete the Three Waters IAF Funded Enabling Infrastructure Project 1 – upgrades to potable water network.
- The release of these recommendations following execution of the Mains pipeline and Tank construction contracts.
Council meeting 14 December 2023
Matter of an Urgent Nature
That Council notes that the remuneration of the Chief Executive be increased to $360,500 per annum and backdated to 10 October, as decided by the Chief Executive Performance and Employment Committee on 13 December 2023.
Risk and Assurance Committee meeting 9 November 2023
Litigation and External Investigations Report
- That the Committee:
A.1 note the status of litigation and external investigations for quarter 1 of the 2023-24 financial year.
A.2 agree that this report and Attachment 2 be released from public excluded business; and agree that Attachment 1 of this report be excluded from public release to protect the privacy of natural persons and the obligation of confidence (Section 7(2)(a) and Section 7(2)(c)(i) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987).
A.3 agree that the resolutions be released from public excluded business.
Risk and Assurance Committee meeting 3 August 2023
Legislative Compliance Report - 1 April 2023 to 30 June 2023
That the Committee:
- notes legislative non-compliance identified in the last quarter of the financial year from 1 April 2023 to 30 June 2023;
- agree that this report and resolutions and Attachment 1 be released from public excluded business; and
- agree that Attachment 2 of this report be excluded from public release.
Litigation and External Investigations Report
That the Committee:
- note the status of litigation and external investigations;
- agree that this report and resolutions only be released from public excluded business; and
- agree that Attachment 1 of this report be excluded from public release.
Risk and Assurance Committee meeting 16 May 2023
Update on Litigation Status, Statutory Compliance Issues and Investigations
That the Risk and Assurance Committee:
- That the Committee:
A.1 note the Council’s legislative compliance declarations and areas of non-compliance;
A.2 note the current status of Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner investigations, other compliance matters and litigation;
A.3 agree that this report and resolutions only be released from public excluded business; and
A.4 agree that Attachments 2 and 3 of this report, be excluded from public release.
Council meeting 27 April 2023
Appointment of independent chairperson to the Kāpiti Airport Community Liaison Group and updated terms of reference
That Council agree that Appendix B of this report is available for public release.
Council meeting 23 March 2023
Strategic property acquisition
That Council:
A: Approve the purchase of 14 Charnwood Grove, Waikanae as a strategic purchase for a future public work. Refer Attachment 1 - Location Plan of the Strategic Property Acquisition report adopted on 23 March 2023.
B: Authorise the Chief Executive to take all necessary steps to negotiate and finalise an agreement for sale and purchase of the property at 14 Charnwood Grove and undertake all steps necessary to conclude the purchase.
C: Note that only the resolution of the Strategic Property Acquisition report adopted on 23 March 2023 can be released from Public Excluded business after settlement of 14 Charnwood Grove, Waikanae has taken place.
Property disposal
That Council:
A: Agree that Council owned property at 40 Kiwi Road, Raumati Beach, legally described as Lot 38 DP 17179 held in Record of Title WN662/16, is declared surplus to Council’s requirements.
B: Note Council officers to commission a Preliminary Public Works Act 1981 (PWA) Section 40 report from a suitably qualified consultant, to identify whether the property at 40 Kiwi Road must be offered back to the former owner(s) or their successor(s) in title, or whether an exemption from offer back applies under PWA Section 40(2), 40(3) or 40(4).
C: Agree that when the above-mentioned report has been received, approval is sought from the Chief Executive under his delegated authority, to either offer the property back to the former owner(s) or successor(s) in title, or that an offer back exemption applies.
D: Agree that if an offer back is declined or an exemption applies under the PWA 1981, Council authorise the Chief Executive to complete all further steps required in the disposal of 40 Kiwi Road, including negotiation and completion of the terms of sale.
E: Agree that Council officers dispose of land at 40 Kiwi Road to KO, based on the land being used to provide access to a multi-purpose housing development at 59-69 Raumati Road.
F: Agree that only the resolutions of Property Disposal report, adopted on 23 March 2023, can be released from Public Excluded business after settlement of 40 Kiwi Road, Raumati Beach has taken place.
Council meeting 23 February 2023
Appointment of the chair and independent member of the Risk and Assurance Committee
That Council approves the release of this report, Appointment of the Chair of the Risk and Assurance Committee with the exception of Appendices 209 from public excluded session.
Previous triennia
See our Previous term meetings > Public excluded session decisions.