26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Coastal advisory panel to host public workshop for Waikanae–Paraparaumu

27 Apr 2023, 12:33 PM

The Takutai Kāpiti Coastal Advisory Panel is holding a community workshop on coastal adaptation for the Waikanae and Paraparaumu coastline at 10.30am, Saturday 6 May, at the Otaihanga Boating Club.

Kāpiti Coast District Council has asked the panel to work with Kāpiti Coast communities on how the Kāpiti Coast should adapt to coastal hazards and sea level rise due to climate change.

Coastal manager Abbey Morris said the panel had divided the 38 km of coastline into five ‘adaptation areas’ based on the similar coastal processes affecting them.

“So far, the panel has heard from residents in the northern parts of our district including Ōtaki, Te Horo and Peka Peka and has started to consider the options for adapting to coastal erosion and inundation in those areas. They’ll be reporting back to those communities in June.

“Now it’s the turn of the Central Adaptation Area, which covers the Waikanae and Paraparaumu coastal areas. The Coastal Advisory Panel is hosting a community workshop to hear from those communities about what matters most to them about their coast. They also want to hear what Waikanae and

Paraparaumu residents think the best options are for adapting to climate change,” Ms Morris said.

All the panel’s meeting minutes and presentations so far are on the Takutai Kapiti | Have Your Say page. The public can follow their community engagement activities and continue to have input at Have Your Say | Kāpiti Coast.

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The Waikanae–Paraparaumu Central Adaptation Area Community Workshop from 10.30am–12.30pm, Saturday 6 May, Otaihanga Boating Club, 19 Makora Road, Otaihanga. All welcome.

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