26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

First Kāpiti Speed Management Plan to boost safety and consistency

26 Apr 2023, 9:22 AM

A Speed Management Plan for Kāpiti will bring consistency to the whole transport network and make travelling around the district safer for everyone, especially our most vulnerable. 

Kāpiti Coast District Council is seeking feedback on its first long-term Speed Management Plan. 

The plan has two parts: 

  • Part A: What we are proposing to implement by the end of 2027
  • Part B: Options for consideration to assist in planning beyond 2027

General Manager Infrastructure Services Sean Mallon says all road controlling authorities in New Zealand are required to prepare Speed Management Plans and seek community feedback on proposals. 

“New rules introduced last year are aimed at making sure all New Zealand roads have safe and appropriate speed limits that better match a road’s design, purpose and use,” Mr Mallon says. 

“It’s part of the Government’s Road to Zero strategy to minimise road death and trauma - in a crash, speed is the number one factor in determining your chance of survival or likelihood of serious injury.” 

Kāpiti District Mayor Janet Holborow says the Speed Management Plan will be welcomed by many in the Kāpiti community. 

“This is an important step in making our roads and environment better,” Mayor Holborow says. 

“Our communities have been asking for measures to improve road safety, especially around schools, and this will help make speeds safer and more appropriate for our roads.” 

The community is being asked for feedback on what a possible 10-year plan for Kāpiti would look like and a plan for making changes in ‘high benefit areas’ in the next three years. 

“Waka Kotahi has identified areas around schools, town centres and corridors with a limit of 70km/h as priority areas, so these will be the immediate focus in the next few years,” Mr Mallon says. 

“We’re proposing 30km/h limits around all Kāpiti schools and marae, lower speed limits in Raumati South, Waikanae Beach, Waikanae Town Centre, Ōtaki Town Centre and in Te Horo, and a lower speed limit on Riverbank Rd in Ōtaki. 

“We’ve based these proposals on Waka Kotahi requirements, the costs of making changes and the likely availability of resource to get changes made.” 

In some areas traffic calming infrastructure like pedestrian crossings, speed humps or road marking will be required. Other areas will need a much lighter touch. 

“Lowering the speed limit around the places where many of our young people are concentrated just makes sense and will also make it easier and safer for kids to walk, cycle or scoot to school and around their neighbourhoods. 

“We are excited to be able to put a great plan for this in place with some defined timeframes for implementation.” 

Mr Mallon says consultation is open until 9 June. 

“We want to know if we’ve got it right or if we’ve missed anything, so we encourage everyone to review the proposed changes and share your thoughts with us.” 

Visit to see more detail and have your say.