26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Climate Action Grant recipients announced

31 Aug 2023, 11:09 AM

Kāpiti Coast District Council has awarded Climate Action Grants to support 11 community and business projects across the district.

Climate and environment subcommittee chair Jocelyn Prvanov said Council was delighted at the response to the first round of climate action grants, which distributed a total pool of $100,000.

“We had more applicants than we could accommodate, so sadly we weren’t able to support everyone. But we’re taking it as a sign of the wide commitment to climate action in our community and the wealth of great ideas people have,” Cr Prvanov said.

“The projects ranged from helping kids to travel to school safely by bike, supporting planting, nature restoration, and predator control, sustainable building workshops, enabling furniture and equipment repair, expanding food scrap collection services within our district, and supporting the production of biochar as a means of enriching soils and potentially processing waste wood.

“These are all great initiatives that will have long-term benefits for our district,” she said.

“We’ll hold a second funding round next year with another $100,000 available for projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and supporting our community to improve its resilience and transition to low-carbon living,” Cr Prvanov said.

Read more about the climate action grants and this year’s successful recipients at