26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Site confirmed for new Ōtaki reservoir

2 Aug 2023, 11:28 AM

After a thorough investigation, the preferred location of the new Ōtaki reservoir has been confirmed on the site at 71 Te Manuao Road, reports Kāpiti Coast District Mayor Janet Holborow.

“A number of sites around the area were considered for the project and the Te Manuao Road location was identified as the best place due to its elevation, proximity to water services, and low earthquake risk.”

After hearing from neighbours about the negative visual impacts of the reservoir, Council looked into whether it could be moved back on the site and any implications of doing so. Factors explored included:

  • the need to keep the reservoir and associated infrastructure within the site,
  • the amount of extra earthworks required,
  • the impact on the rest of the development,
  • other environmental impacts eg, erosion control, and
  • the property agreement.

“We tried to balance neighbours’ desires with the need to improve the resilience of the Ōtaki drinking water network and increase its capacity to support projected growth and have come to the conclusion that the initial location remains the only option.

“We acknowledge we could have worked with residents earlier in this process and that this decision will not please everyone. We have learnt from this experience and are committed to working with the community as the project progresses. We will ensure we reduce the visual impact on the neighbours as much as we possibly can, including native planting,” said Mayor Holborow.

The new reservoir will improve the resilience and fire-fighting capability of the water supply as well as support existing and future homes in Ōtaki. It will provide more water storage for emergency purposes. Built to withstand a one-in-2500-year earthquake, the reservoir will be the strongest structure in the area.

Earthworks are planned to begin in October and construction of the reservoir will follow.

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