26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Māori Economic Development Fund recipients announced

20 Jul 2023, 10:11 AM

Four Kāpiti businesses have been successful in their applications to the 2022/23 round of the Māori Economic Development Fund. 

The contestable Fund was established in 2013 by the Kāpiti Coast District Council and Te Whakaminenga o Kāpiti to support whānau, hapū, iwi and mātāwaka in Kāpiti to develop their business or social enterprise. This year $68,000 was available. 

Convenor of the Fund’s assessment panel Kim Tahiwi says this year’s successful applicants showed the positive outcomes that can be achieved when fusing a Te Ao Māori perspective with a sustainable business model.  

“It has enabled them to achieve financial success as well as provide social well-being to the community,” Ms Tahiwi says.   

“It’s great to see these pakihi (businesses) growing and developing, and to provide some assistance to them as they continue on their journeys. 

“Māori businesses are important contributors to the Kāpiti district, and not just economically. As well as doing things like providing goods and services and employment, they add to the vibrancy and cultural richness of our community. 

“The grants are not enormous sums of money but will help the recipients take some important steps forward and continue to be innovative.” 

Te Whakaminenga o Kāpiti chair Andre Baker says he is looking forward to seeing what each business does next. 

“Being in business is not easy for anyone so I commend them all for their mahi and dedication,” Mr Baker says. 

“Each of these recipients is making a positive contribution to the Kāpiti district in their own ways and playing an important part in telling the Kāpiti story. 

“Māoriland is Ōtaki-based but recognised internationally, the Hori Gallery is making waves in art, fashion and hospitality, Ha Pai Wellness is providing invaluable hauora services and Ōtaki Manuka Growers are growing native plants to help save our world.” 

The 2022/23 recipients are: 

  • Ha Pai Wellness
  • Hori Gallery Ltd – Te Whare Toi o Hori
  • Māoriland
  • Ōtaki Manuka Growers 

Visit for more information.