26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Coastlands Aquatics Centre Pool temporary closure

26 Jun 2023, 2:25 PM

Coastlands Aquatic Centre will be closing for two weeks from Monday 24 July to Monday 7 August for important maintenance work.

Kāpiti Coast District Council Aquatic Facilities Manager Steve Millar says while closing the pool for a significant period isn’t ideal, maintenance work is crucial to ensuring the facility remains in great condition for years to come.

“In addition to tidying up the facility’s cosmetics and a deep clean of the pools, maintenance work will include refurbishing the access ramp into the main pool, repairs to pool tiles, servicing the moveable floor, installing a new surface in the toddlers’ pool, upgrading the spa filtration, and adding new features ahead of the pool’s tenth anniversary later this year,” says Mr Millar.

“We are working with regular lane hirers to ensure they can deliver their training sessions and our Learn To Swim sessions will continue to operate during the third term but with a slightly delayed starting date of 7 August. Registrations are filling up fast for both Coastlands Aquatic Centre’s and Ōtaki Pool’s swimming lessons which start on the earlier date of 17 July, so we encourage people to register now.

“We apologise to our customers for any inconvenience the closure of Coastlands Aquatic Centre may cause but also encourage them to visit our Ōtaki Pool at Haruātai Park as an alternative. This fantastic facility caters for all ages and aquatic abilities. The 33-metre pool offers many of the programmes Coastlands Aquatic Centre has, with the sauna, spa, and toddlers’ pool making it an ideal location for any pool enthusiast.

“We look forward to welcoming our customers back to Coastlands Aquatic Centre on Monday 7 August when we’ll also start to share our 10th birthday celebration plans.

“Before the closure though, we’ll have more lanes open for play from this Saturday and throughout the school holidays. Our popular SPLASH! will be back too, with inflatables and games on offer between 1-4.30pm at both Coastlands Aquatic Centre and Ōtaki Pool.

“We’ll also be marking Matariki at Ōtaki Pool with fun for the whole whānau on Friday 14 July. Join us for waiata (music), ngā taputapu pupuhi (inflatables), kēmu (games), and whiwhi (prizes). Entry is by koha (donation) with 1-3pm best suited for 5–12-year-olds, and 3-5pm for those aged 12 and above.”