26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Council asks community to dream big about the future of culture and creativity in Kāpiti

29 Jun 2023, 4:12 PM

Kāpiti Coast District Council is asking people to dream big about the future of culture and creativity in the Kāpiti Coast to help inform the development of its Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023-2028.   

Working with the community, Council is developing a strategy that will guide and support how we invest in arts, culture, creativity and heritage.   

Mayor Janet Holborow says this is a fabulous opportunity to dream big together about the future of the arts, culture, and heritage in the Kāpiti Coast. 

“Each township along our coast has its own character and historic richness, and our district as a whole has a very vibrant arts and cultural scene.   

“While Council already invests in culture and creativity in many ways across the rohe – through our museums, gallery, public art, events, cultural and heritage trails, and libraries – we could be doing more.  

“We know that arts, culture, creativity, and heritage play a vital role in enabling thriving communities and are so important for our sense of identity, wellbeing and hauora,” says Mayor Holborow.  

“This mahi is our opportunity to look at what more we could be doing in this space or what we could be doing differently to enhance the wellbeing of our communities and really get Kāpiti noticed as a cultural and creative hub.”  

The strategy will also focus on how we can support the intergenerational survival and growth of Māori/indigenous creativity, art, culture and heritage so more people can see, experience, learn, and connect with Māori, the culture and land.  

“Ensuring the strategy embeds and reflects whakaaro Māori, and the wawata (the aspirations) of the mana whenua iwi of Kāpiti is crucial, so we are seeking guidance from our mana whenua partners on this important mahi,” says Mayor Holborow.  

Arts, Museums and Heritage Advisor Rosie Salas says there are several ways for people to share their big ideas and have a say.   

“We want to hear from as many people as possible. Already, we have spoken with around 70 people involved in arts, culture, creativity and heritage across our district and now we want to hear from the wider community,” Ms Salas says.   

“We have placed a number of ‘idea catcher’ blackboards in community hot spots around the district asking people various questions relating to culture and creativity. People can respond with words or pictures – whatever they choose.  

“People can also have a say online at or fill out our postcards that you’ll find in various locations across the district and in your local libraries and service centres.”  

Later in July council will also be hosting co-design workshops to help shape the three pou of the strategy. If you are interested in participating, contact Rosie Salas at [email protected].   

Council expects to have a draft strategy to share for community consultation in August.