26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Council now seeking community views on options for the new Waikanae Library and Community Hub

12 Jun 2023, 10:59 AM

The opening of a pop-up engagement centre at 2 Mahara Place signals the start of a six-week campaign to encourage community comment on options for the new Waikanae Library and Community Hub.

The engagement centre will be open six days a week for up to six weeks. People are invited to pop in, read the information displays, take part in a few engagement activities, and have their say.

Kāpiti Coast District Mayor Janet Holborow says after considering several building options, Council has requested staff seek community input on the three most achievable, affordable and sustainable options.

“We’re not ruling anything out at this stage, but the three options we’re asking people to comment on would allow us to deliver a comprehensive, modern community facility as quickly as possible without the uncertainty of having to purchase more property.”

Long-time library user and supporter Waikanae Ward Councillor Nigel Wilson says he’s excited about the prospect of a new community hub for Waikanae.

“Just as important as where the new library is located, is what happens inside. Libraries around the world are evolving into hubs which provide a range of opportunities for people to connect, create, and learn. They anchor and support their communities.

“So, part of what we’re asking people to comment on involves telling us what’s most important to them for the new facility to provide.

“We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to re-create a wonderful facility for Waikanae and our whole district, so I strongly encourage people to get involved and have their voices heard.”

As well as visiting the pop-up engagement centre, people can provide feedback online at or visit our stand at the following community markets (weather dependent):

  • Waikanae Market – Saturday 17 June
  • Paraparaumu Beach market – Saturday 24 June
  • Paekākāriki Market – Saturday 1 July
  • Ōtaki Market – Sunday 17 July

Council will consider which building option to progress at their August meeting.

More information at