26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Easter Sunday trading consultation opens

26 Jun 2023, 2:23 PM

Kāpiti Coast District residents are being asked for their views on whether shops should continue to be allowed to open on Easter Sunday.  

Mayor Janet Holborow said all shops in Kāpiti had been allowed to choose to open on Easter Sunday since 2017 after law changes allowed local councils to decide what was right for their district. The policy has to be reviewed every five years.  

“We will be asking our community if we should renew, revoke, or amend the policy. We understand Easter Sunday trading can affect many people including shop owners, staff and their families and others, but it also contributes to the local economy, the vibrancy of our district and convenience for residents and visitors. 

“The review gives us an opportunity to check in with our community that the policy is still working for us,” Mayor Holborow said. 

“The policy doesn’t require shops to open, it just permits it. It’s up to shop owners to decide whether they want to open, and for staff to choose whether to work.” 

Easter Sunday is not a public holiday like Good Friday or Easter Monday. Easter Saturday is a normal Saturday for shop trading rules. 

The policy will be automatically revoked if the review is not completed by December 2024. That would mean Kāpiti Coast shops would have to close on Easter Sunday except for some exemptions under the Shop Trading Hours Act such as dairies, takeaways, and garden centres. 

Consultation opens Monday 26 June and closes at midday Wednesday 26 July 2023.  

To read more and make an online submission, go to

Copies of the draft Policy 2023, Statement of Proposal and submission form are also available at Council service centres and libraries.