26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Council endorses next steps for the new Waikanae Community Hub/Library

25 May 2023, 11:43 AM

The next steps in the development of a new community hub/library and service centre for Waikanae were agreed today at a Kāpiti Coast District Council meeting.

Since the main Waikanae Library closed in November 2018, staff have been investigating options for its permanent replacement.

Kāpiti Coast District Deputy Mayor Lawrence Kirby said the investigation has canvassed a wide range of issues.

“Today councillors considered potential opportunities for creating a modern library and community hub, balancing function, property costs and construction issues, and how we will engage with the community to get their views.

“Libraries are changing. Books and promoting literacy will always be central to their function, but contemporary libraries are more of a community hub that can host a wide range of activities. They connect, strengthen, inspire, and activate their communities,” said Deputy Mayor Kirby.

“To ensure we provide our community with a modern, world-class facility, our team has studied overseas models as well as new facilities popping up across New Zealand.

“Equally as important as what the new facility delivers, is where it located and that the building is affordable, sustainable and adaptable to changing community needs over time.”

“We’re now at a stage where people can have their say on the short-list and what else they’d like councillors to consider when deciding which option to pursue.”

Three options are being considered:

  1. Refurbishing and extending the former library.
  2. Refurbishing both the former and pop-up library buildings.
  3. Refurbishing both buildings and extending the former library.

“This is a significant project for Waikanae and it’s great to see it reach a point where we can seek community comment. I strongly encourage people to get involved and have their voices heard.

“Community engagement will take place over six weeks from mid-June. Then in August, Council will consider which building option to progress,” Deputy Mayor Kirby said.

Keep an eye out on our social media and online for more details about engagement opportunities: