26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Annual Report reflects a year of steady progress and focus on resilience

27 Oct 2023, 3:00 PM

The Kāpiti Coast District Council Annual Report for 2022/23 was adopted by Council on 26 October. 

This is the second annual report in line with year two of Council’s Long-term Plan 2021–2041. 

Mayor Janet Holborow says Council has had to reprioritise several projects due to rising costs and interest rates, which has been challenging, but also an opportunity to focus efforts on work that builds resilience – a hot topic in the wake of the pandemic, overseas conflict, and the growing visibility of climate change around the globe. 

“Like households and businesses, we’ve had to pause and take stock of what is needed versus what can wait. This has enabled us to focus on building the resilience of the district’s core infrastructure and services,” the Mayor said. 

“We continue to do well with our management of our water, wastewater, and stormwater networks, and completed major works across the district, including progress on the multi-stage Amohia stormwater catchment upgrade in Paraparaumu. In Ōtaki, we’ve confirmed the site for the new water reservoir, and earthworks have started on this project to futureproof the area as the population continues to grow.” 

This focus on progressing critical infrastructure work resulted in achieving 76 percent of Council’s non-financial service performance targets, which is an eight percent increase from the previous year. Efforts to improve community spaces was also a major achievement. 

“After consultation with our iwi partners and stakeholders, we developed an implementation plan to deliver on the aspirations of our Open Space Strategy and to safeguard some of the district’s most prized natural assets as our district grows,” Kāpiti Coast District Council Chief Executive Darren Edwards said. 

“We also listened to feedback from our communities and upgraded the Lorna Irene Drive Reserve playground in Raumati South, so it caters for all abilities. It was recognised as Playground of the Year at the Recreation Aotearoa NZ Parks Awards, which is a fantastic achievement. We have also fully refurbished Toi MAHARA which reopens this weekend – this will be a real asset to our community.” 

Consultation has been a big focus for Council this year, with the launch of Vision Kāpiti, a community conversation to help create a districtwide vision that will guide Council planning now, for the next Long-term Plan, and beyond.