26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Council’s engagement hub heads north to Ōtaki

12 Sep 2023, 3:47 PM

The Kāpiti Coast District Council’s roving engagement hub is heading north this week, setting up at the Ōtaki Library from today, Tuesday 12 September, through to Friday 13 October. This follows the hub’s first month-long stint in Mahara Place, Waikanae.  

Mayor Janet Holborow says over the coming eight to 10 months, the roving engagement hub will give people across Kāpiti the opportunity to have a say in person on a range of topics as Council starts to develop its next Long-term Plan and works with the community to develop a districtwide vision for the future. 

“It’s a roving hub because we need to hear from all corners of our district, so every month or so it moves to a new location,” says Mayor Holborow. 

“The hub is designed to get people thinking about topics that influence our lives and our environment, and changes or trade-offs we might need to make to secure a future that is affordable and meets community needs. 

“This month we’re focussing on education, employment and income, and tourism but we’re also really keen for people to have their say on the 10 short-term strategic priorities and supporting actions we’ve identified as areas of focus as these will inform Council activities and budgets for the next three years,” says Mayor Holborow.

“We had some really insightful conversations with visitors to our Waikanae Hub over the past month about everything from housing, health, transport links, people’s aspirations for our town centres, and community safety.  

“It’s great to see so many people invested in our district’s future and we’re really looking forward to meeting and hearing from people who live in the northern part of our district over the next few weeks,” says Mayor Holborow.  

The hub is scheduled to head to Paraparaumu central in mid-October. As weather improves, keep an eye out for councillors and community board members at school fairs, community markets and other events. 

If you can’t make it to the hub, you can have your say online at or by popping into a library, pool, or council service centre and filling in a feedback card.