26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Council sets up climate change and resilience community ‘think tank’

22 Sep 2023, 9:58 AM

Kāpiti Coast District Council is setting up a think tank to help develop a climate change and resilience strategy for our district, and is looking for applicants from the community.

Climate and Environment Subcommittee chair Cr Jocelyn Prvanov said councillors felt a think tank was a good way of getting early community input into the strategy. The think tank’s advice would inform the draft strategy that would go out for wider feedback early next year.

“We want to hear ideas from our community on where we need to focus our attention to drive the biggest shifts to a low-carbon, low-waste, climate-resilient Kāpiti, and how we mobilise our community,” she said.

Council is calling for expressions of interest from anyone interested in joining the climate change and resilience think tank.

“You don’t need to be a climate expert – just a passionate local with loads of good ideas. We want to hear about where we should be focusing our efforts so that Council, business, the community, government, and other stakeholders can contribute to reducing Kāpiti’s carbon footprint and build community resilience to a changing climate.

“We’re looking for a diverse group of people with different ideas and approaches. We want to hear how you would engage and motivate people in your local communities to take positive climate action,” Cr Prvanov said.

The think tank positions are all voluntary. Successful applicants would likely be asked to attend two half-day meetings before Christmas and another two early next year, and may be asked to support a discussion on climate change and resilience at a council meeting.

The community representatives would join councillors and representatives from mana whenua and community groups already delivering action on climate change, Cr Prvanov said.   

For more information, and to fill out an Expression of Interest, go to Applications close 9pm Sunday 8 October.