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Council welcomes the opportunity to extend work to improve public transport links for Ōtaki

13 Sep 2023, 8:44 AM

A submission from Kāpiti Coast District Council to the Horizons Regional Council’s Services Review aims to build on existing work to address a number of issued faced by the Ōtaki community as a result of a lack of public transport links to the area.

Kāpiti Coast District Council Mayor Janet Holborow says the submission acknowledges the steps already taken to improve public transport links to the area, while recognising that more needs to be done, particularly with the significant growth that Ōtaki is experiencing.

“Improved public transport is key to supporting better connections to both housing and employment opportunities as Ōtaki grows. More families and residents will need to get around and there will be more workers needing access to and from Ōtaki or other nearby centres for work.”

The Mayor said better public transport links are also key to improving wellbeing outcomes for residents, as it will enable them better access to employment and education in the area, and to health services and social support services, most of which are based in the Manawatū area.

“There are people who need access to these essential services who are going without, and their problems are going unresolved. Others have needed to move out of the area, but still require access to Ōtaki for their study, their children’s schooling, and to maintain whānau connections.

“We welcome the opportunity to submit to the review and extend the work we already have underway with the Horowhenua District Council and Ngā Hapu o Ōtaki, with Horizons Regional Council, Wellington Regional Council, and Waka Kotahi to identify options to address these concerns.”

The lack of public transport options and reliance on a car isn’t just a significant issue for residents – it’s also a barrier to low emissions outcomes.

“Provision of more efficient and lower emission public transport options needs to be at the heart of our thinking and planning so we can help the district to grow more sustainably.

Some of the options Council are keen to explore for Ōtaki include extending existing transport arrangements, shared services across transport agencies, and on-demand or community supported services.

The Regional Services Review provides an opportunity for government agencies, regional and local councils, Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki and the local communities to work together to identify shared public transport solutions across regional boundaries.

This submission was also supported by the Chairs of the Ōtaki and Waikanae Community Boards.

Council’s submission to Horizons Regional Council’s Regional Services Review can be viewed on our website 

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