Dangerous buildings policy updated and adopted

4 Dec 2024, 10:22 AM

Following review and public consultation Kāpiti Coast District Council has adopted the Dangerous, Affected, and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2024.

The policy is a requirement of the Building Act and is reviewed every five years. It aims to make sure any building does its job without putting people at risk of harm or illness. 

Council Group Manager Strategy and Growth Kris Pervan says ensuring building safety is a core statutory responsibility of Council.

“This important policy reflects the purpose of the Building Act and is all about making sure that people using buildings in our district can do so safely,” Ms Pervan says.

“It makes it clear for Council staff, building owners and the public how buildings that fall under the policy will be assessed and managed.

“If a building is reported to us as potentially unsafe it will be assessed using a range of criteria like structural integrity, whether it is weathertight, and its functions and age. A building in poor condition or unsightly is not automatically dangerous or insanitary. The policy also does not cover earthquake-prone buildings, which is deal with separately under the Building Act.”

“Staff aren’t out in the community proactively assessing buildings but will respond when information of concern is received. This means investigations will be done as required with existing resource.”

The review found the 2018 policy was largely fit for purpose but identified a few changes to bring it into line with guidance from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

These changes included better linking decision making to wider social, economic and cultural factors, and incorporating “affected” buildings as required by changes made to the Building Act.

During consultation Council received 12 submissions and made several changes to the policy as a result.

What are dangerous, affected or insanitary buildings?

Generally, dangerous, affected, and insanitary buildings can be described as:  

  • Dangerous Building: a building that is likely to fail structurally, or is hazardous in the event of fire, and is likely to cause death or injury to a person in it, or near it, or cause damage to other buildings/property. 
  • Affected building: a building that is adjacent to, adjoining, or nearby a dangerous building, which could be at risk should the dangerous building fail. 
  • Insanitary Building: a building that is offensive or injurious to health because of its situation or construction, or lacks a potable water supply or adequate sanitary facilities.  

Visit Council policies to read the policy.