26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Sensory sessions at the pool – dialling down the noise

4 Nov 2024, 1:22 PM

Have you got children in your life who would like to swim at the Coastlands Aquatic Centre but find its noise overwhelming?

Kāpiti Coast District Council is trialling new low sensory sessions to provide a more chilled out experience for those who can find the pool environment a bit much.

“Indoor swimming pools can be busy and loud which can deter people with extra or sensory needs from coming along for a dip,” Kāpiti Coast Aquatics manager Steve Millar says.

“Being in the water can be fun, therapeutic and great exercise, and we want to provide an opportunity for those who might not be keen on using the pool during normal operating hours to jump in and enjoy what is a wonderful facility.

“The trial sessions will also be free of charge so families can stay for the whole two hours, or see how it goes for five minutes without having to pay.”

The first sensory session will be held in the Coastlands Aquatic Centre’s programmes pool on Sunday, 10 November from 8am-10am.

During this time no music will be played, and staff will be on hand to support families using the pool.

The trial will run until Christmas. Staff will monitor visitor numbers during the trial and if well attended sensory sessions will resume in term 1 of 2025.

“We’re looking forward to welcoming our neurodiverse community into the pool environment,” Mr Millar

Visit for more information about our pools.