26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Council allocates funding for ‘age-friendly’ projects

20 Sep 2024, 1:20 PM

Kāpiti Coast District Council has allocated funding to four local organisations as part of its ‘age-friendly approach’.

The funds will support community-based projects, programmes, and events that improve social outcomes for older people living in Kāpiti.

Council allocated $100,000 of the previous government’s Better Off funding to deliver an action plan for Council’s ‘age-friendly approach’.

Kāpiti Coast Mayor Janet Holborow says Council has an important role to play in improving outcomes and addressing the barriers faced by older people.

“Because our population is aging more rapidly than the national average, we’ve adopted an age-friendly approach to address the specific needs of our older population, as well considering the needs of future generations, who are predicted to live longer than ever before,” says Mayor Holborow.

“In 2023 Council worked with an age-friendly reference group to agree to an approach that would help older people live their best lives.

“Over the past few months, we’ve held collaborative workshops with local groups and organisations to develop an implementation plan. Through this process we identified projects that sit in line with our age-friendly approach focus areas and the needs of our older community.

“This is an important step towards ensuring older people feel connected and valued, have access to what they need, can get around our district easily, and can participate in our community in ways that work for them now and in the future,” Mayor Holborow said.

“These projects provide a wide range of services and support including an events programme, kaumatua meetings, intergenerational initiatives, skill and knowledge sharing, and digital drop-ins.

“We’re pleased to support their important work, and I would like to extend my thanks to the organisations who have helped shape the implementation plan so we can truly consider Kapiti an age-friendly district,” Mayor Holborow said.

For more information about Kapiti Coast’s age friendly approach, please visit


Age Concern

Age Concern has two projects: A programme of events for older people to find out about and participate in community activities. 

Intergenerational initiatives to foster mutual understanding and respect across generations.

Volunteer Kāpiti

A project to better access the skills and knowledge of our older people’s skills and knowledge, to make a difference to our community through volunteering.

Digital Seniors

A pilot programme to establish digital senior hubs in Ōtaki, Waikanae, Paraparaumu, and Paekākāriki.

Hora te Pai

A programme of kaumatua Māori hui and events to provide social connection and engagement with a wide range of organisations and opportunities.