Dog daze – tails of a Kāpiti summer
Summer’s a great time to spend more time with your favourite furry friend. With a break from work for many of us, our pooches get the benefit of more outdoor time and company during the day.
What doggy quest will you embark on this summer?
Ōtaki dog park

Located in Aōtaki Street, Ōtaki, this fully fenced dog park is a real hidden gem. There’s a double gate entrance, drinking fountain, and a bunch of fun obstacles. Grab a bunch of treats and head down with your Kāpiti kurī – who knows what tricks you might be able to teach each other!
Hemi Matenga Reserve
Accessed from Tui Crescent in Waikanae, Hemi Matenga is an awesome on-lead walk for your dog. It’s about a 50-minute climb to the top of the ridge for some stunning views – take water for you and your doggo. On a hot day, you might both appreciate a quick splash in the Waikanae River under the Old State Highway 1 Bridge afterwards – and you’ll both feel like you’ve had a good workout and earnt those extra Christmas portions! Note that the path isn’t very wide, so reactive dogs might not enjoy this walk as much.
Ōtaki River Trail
Grab a picnic, and take your pooch for a trek down the Ōtaki River Trail! They can be off-lead from the old State Highway 1 Bridge, down to the sensitive site on-lead area, level with Rangiuru Road, so they can have a good stretch of their legs, and chase a few sticks. Once you’re at the sensitive site, they’ll need to be onlead to the river mouth – or you could turn around and head back up to the bridge again!
Te Horo to Waikanae beach hike
Why not take a long stroll along the beach with your pooch? You can walk with them from Sea Road in Te Horo Beach down to the Hughes Street access in Waikanae Beach, only needing to have them on-lead at the Te Kowhai Stream Estuary sensitive site!
Keep an eye on our summer exercise zone map as you go, and remember to take water and pack your togs, sunblock and a ball, for the perfect canine beach day!

Rock jumping at Waikanae River
Take your doggo down to the Waikanae River with you for a swim! Places like Maple Lane have great rocks to jump off – your dog may like to join in the fun! Just remember to check with other river-goers that they’re comfortable with your dog being offlead first.
Remember to check out the on- and off-lead rules for your doggo on our Exercise areas page before you head out.
Bone voyage!