26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

How to beach on the Kāpiti Coast

It’s a rarely disputed fact – the Kāpiti Coast has the best beaches in the lower North Island. From sandy shores to surfing beaches, and stony beaches for building rock towers and driftwood huts, there’s plenty of ways to make the most of our beach days this summer. We’ve pulled together this Summer Six-pack to help you beach well in Kāpiti.

1. Check it’s safe to swim before you head out

If the weather’s not 100 percent, check in with the MetService forecast for swell warnings. And if it’s raining, or been raining in the last 48 hours, check the Latest recreational water quality results to see if it’s safe to swim before jumping in. No one wants to get sick during the summer holidays!

2. Know the boat launching zones, and swim a good distance away

Found the perfect space on the beach to set up and watch the boats coming and going at the same time? Remember, it’s hard for boaties to see swimmers bobbing about in the waves, so make sure you’re swimming at least 50 metres away from the designated boat launching zones.

The kids’ sandcastles will also be safer in a quieter spot, too!

3. Learn the how-tos of driving on Kāpiti beaches

Did you know there's rules for driving on Kāpiti Coast beaches? Here’s the deal to keep our coastline safe and fun for everyone:

  • Most Kāpiti beaches are vehicle-free zones, with a few spots for boat launching only.
  • Motorbikes are not beach or dune friendly anywhere in Kā

Whether you’re wanting to drive on the beach, or keen to find a spot where the kids can play in the sand without worrying about vehicles, check out our Vehicles on the beach information before you leave home.

4. To dog or not to dog…

Some folks are canine friendly, others would rather avoid them. We do our best to make sure there’s a spot for everyone on our beaches, so in summer this means that some of your favourite beaches become no-dog zones during the day.

Whether you’re wanting to take your Kāpiti kurī for a run, or you have tamariki who get worried when they see a member of our doggy pup-ulation, check our Dog seasonal beach zones for the best spot for you and your loved ones to enjoy the beach.

Let's share our Kāpiti beaches, so everyone feels safe in our spaces together.

5. Every litter bit hurts – help keep Kāpiti pristine

Our Kāpiti beaches are our community’s living spaces – let’s all work together to keep them pristine.

  • Take your rubbish away. Sometimes you might spot a rubbish bin that’s full – please take your rubbish home, and let us know the bin needs emptying by giving us a call.
  • Always clean up after your dog. No one wants to step in dog poo!
  • Lighting a fire? Make sure you’ve checked the rules first and never cover your fire with sand. See our Fires on the beach info for all the handy tips.

As a wise kaumatua once said, “Ko au te Taha Moana. Ko te Taha Moana ko au.” – I am the beach, and the beach is me. Remember – take only photos, leave only footprints (and driftwood huts!).

6. Sun, surf and swim

You know the drill – bring your togs, towels, picnic, sun umbrella (make sure you slip, slop, slap and wrap!), boogie boards, backyard cricket set, a ball or three, friends and whānau… Have we forgotten anything?

There’s nothing like a Kāpiti Kiwi summer at the beach. Spend it with old friends, make new ones, and enjoy our shared spaces and community. These are our golden days!


Want to find out more about how things work on our beaches? Check out our Beach section.