26 Mar: There is Cryptosporidium in the Wellington region. Please stay away from pools if sick and practice good hygiene. See Te Whatu Ora's recommendations

Everything Kāpiti - gearing up for winter sports

25 Mar 2025, 4:03 PM

Step aside summer, winter sports are taking the field! Our Sportsgrounds team is busy getting nearly 70 fields across our 16 parks ready for rugby, football, netball, and more.

They'll be coring and de-compacting the turf, spreading sand and fertiliser, and remarking the fields for winter codes. It's a big job and we’re working hard to get everything ready while minimising disruptions to scheduled games and bookings.

With the weather sometimes being a bit iffy in winter, you can check if fields are open for play on our website or download our free Antenno app to get to get weekday sportsground notifications straight to your phone.

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