2020/21 Annual Plan adopted and rates approved
Kāpiti Coast District Council last week adopted its 2020/21 Annual Plan.
The Annual Plan sets out the priorities and budget for the coming year, striking a balance between ensuring the Council can continue to deliver essential infrastructure and services and support the community recover from the impacts of the COVID-19, while operating within its financial means.
As previously signalled the plan requires an average rates increase of 2.6 per cent for the year ahead, an average weekly increase per rates bill of $1.65. This is down from a 5.7 per cent increase for the 2020/21 financial year that Council was considering prior to the onset of COVID-19.
As well as rates, Council is funding the next year’s work programme through a mix of reduced capital spending, reduced debt repayment and by removing inflation from operating budgets.
Kāpiti Coast District Mayor K Gurunathan says the Plan is the right one for Kāpiti at this time.
“We’ve lowered the rates increase as much as possible without putting important projects and services at risk,” Mr Gurunathan says.
“To take the rates any lower would seriously impact the Council’s ability to deliver, make future years even more difficult, and limit our ability to help in our economic recovery from COVID-19.”
“We also recognise that some households and businesses may struggle with their rate payments, so through the annual plan we have increased the amount of rates relief available to ratepayers who are being impacted financially by COVID-19.”
For more information on the 2020/21 Annual Plan visit https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/your-council/planning/annual-and-long-term-plans/proposed-annual-plan-202021/.