Kāpiti Coast public facilities to stay open for now
Kāpiti Coast District Mayor K Gurunathan says swimming pools, libraries and other community facilities around the Kāpiti Coast District will remain open for now but people who unwell are urged to stay clear.
“We’re monitoring the situation closely and are using Ministry of Health, central and local government guidance to inform our decisions.
“We are confident that we can comply with maximum crowd size limits of 100 people in one enclosed space at one time across all our Council’s facilities so for now the Coastlands Aquatic Centre, Ōtaki Pool, Paraparaumu Library, Waikanae Library, Ōtaki Library and public facilities will remain open.
“We urge anyone using our facilities to follow the Ministry of Health’s guidance on physical distancing (physical distancing means remaining 1 metre away from other people, or if you are closer than 1 metre, being there for less than 15 minutes) and to do the right thing by staying at home if they feel unwell.”
The Mayor says the Council has stepped up its cleaning regime and has also encouraged its staff to stay home if they are unwell.
“It’s a challenging time for everyone but we recognise our facilities play an important role in maintaining people’s health and wellbeing.
“The situation is constantly changing but we are monitoring things closely and will take appropriate action, in line with office guidance, to help keep our community safe and healthy."