Cheques being written out of the story
Paying for Council rates and services by cheque is no longer going to be an option from 15 June as banks phase out the payment method.
Kāpiti Coast District Council General Manager Corporate Services Mark de Haast says from then payments can be accepted by direct debit, eftpos, cash, telephone or online banking. Payments can also be made by credit card through Council’s website.
“Cheques are being discontinued as a method of payment by banks in New Zealand, including by Council’s banker Westpac, which means we are no longer able to take cheques either,” Mr de Haast says.
Westpac will no longer accept cheques from 25 June. Council’s 15 June cut-off date will allow time to make sure all cheques received are processed ahead of that deadline.
Mr de Haast says while most people have moved away from writing cheques, Council does continue to receive them and acknowledges the change may be difficult for some ratepayers and customers.
“In the last financial year we received around 2000 payments by cheque, and in 2021 so far we’ve had over 300.
“We’re writing to those who have paid by cheque this year to let them know of the change and what their options are now. If you know someone who still pays by cheque, please check-in with them to make sure they know things are changing.”
There are still many ways to pay for Council services:
- You can arrange to pay your property and water rates by direct debit.
- You can set up an automatic payment or payment via internet or telephone banking at the frequency or one-off payment that suits you.
- You can pay by credit card through our website.
- You can pay in person with cash or EFTPOS at our service centres, or your local PostShop (water and property rates) or Westpac Bank branch (property rates only).
For further assistance or support you can contact Senior Net by visiting or phoning (04) 528 0742, or call our service centre team.