Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan to become Operative
Nearly nine years after it was first notified, the Proposed Kāpiti Coast District Plan will become Operative from 30 June 2021 following the resolution of all appeals and the completion of variations.
“District plans provide both a big-picture strategic document that shapes how a district lives, works and plays, as well as a detailed rulebook for managing the use of land and new development,” says Kāpiti Coast District Mayor K Gurunathan.
“Developing and finalising a plan under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) is a lengthy and complex process. Council considered 900 submissions and further submissions, and the Plan has evolved through the withdrawal of provisions, four variations, the resolution of eighteen appeals, and a number of minor alterations.
“Approving the Plan as Operative is a significant milestone that translates as a much simpler regulatory framework for our community to work within.”
From 30 June, the 1999 Operative District Plan will no longer need to be considered in RMA decision-making except for specific coastal hazard related provisions. These will continue to apply due to the withdrawal of coastal hazard provisions from the Proposed District Plan in 2014 and 2017.
The Takutai Kāpiti Coastal Adaptation programme will deliver recommendations on coastal adaptation options for Council’s consideration and help inform the development of new provisions.
Council has also taken steps to align the District Plan with National Planning Standards, five years ahead of the 2026 deadline set by central government.
“National Planning Standards were introduced in 2019 to provide national consistency in the structure, form, definitions and electronic accessibility of RMA plans. The standards do not change the intent or meaning of plans and councils are required to introduce them outside of the usual process,” says Jason Holland, District Planning Manager for Council.
“The changes will apply from 30 June 2021, the same date as the District Plan becomes operative, and those preparing resource consent applications, notices of requirement, and plan change requests will need to reference the National Planning Standards version of the District Plan.”
The National Planning Standards amendments to the Plan can be viewed ahead of 30 June at