Maps show rezoning requests from intensification plan change submitters
Kāpiti Coast District Council has mapped the rezoning requests [PDF 5 MB] from submitters on the intensification plan change (PC2) to assist people wanting to make further submissions.
Council planning manager Jason Holland said because of the significance of the plan change, Council was doing everything it could to make it easy for the public to understand what other submitters were asking for.
“We’re at the ‘further submissions’ stage, which is where people who have a greater interest than the general public can have a say on what other people asked for during the previous submission period. This might include people who didn’t submit first time around, but who could be affected by submissions we’ve received, such as those asking for areas to be rezoned.
“We’ve mapped rezoning requests that were either clear or able to be inferred from the submissions, but people should still check the summary of submissions or the submissions themselves for full details,” Mr Holland said.
The maps show where people have asked for zoning changes that were not part of the original plan change proposal. These requests will be considered as part of the panel hearings on the proposed intensification plan change.
Mr Holland said a ‘further submission’ is a submission that supports or opposes other submissions on a proposed plan change.
“We encourage people to check the maps to see if any of the rezoning requests affect them. You don’t have to make a further submission, but it is your opportunity to have your say on the changes sought by others if you wish to. But you can’t use a further submission to raise new points about the Plan Change.
The maps don’t include rezoning requested by Kainga Ora across the District. For this information see the maps in Appendix 4 of their submission (S122).
See the maps [PDF 5 MB] on the Council website under Proposed plan changes – open for further submissions.
Further submissions must be lodged with Council no later than 5pm, Thursday 24 November.