Work under way to create effective pathways, better jobs, and a resilient economy
The Kāpiti Coast District Council adopted a new plan yesterday to develop, attract, and retain a skilled and competitive workforce on the Kāpiti Coast.
The purpose of the Workforce Plan, which includes a number of prescribed short, mid and long-term activities, is to ensure the district, its people and businesses thrive, and that training and employment opportunities are accessible to everyone.
The Economic Development Kotahitanga Board will lead and facilitate the plan’s implementation. Chair of the Board Neil MacKay says work is already under way on the plan’s delivery.
“Our first priority is to investigate the feasibility of an education and learning hub as a key initiative. Right now, because we have limited education and training opportunities here on the Coast, we’re leaking so much talent and skill to other regions,” Mr MacKay says.
“We need to retain and attract these people and build a workforce that meets our current and future needs.
“The feasibility study has received funding through WellingtonNZ and work is currently being carried out by the Council’s Economic Development team in partnership with the education sector and various experts.
“We’re also making a start on a number of other activities and it’s going to take a collective effort to implement this plan successfully. We’ll take the lead and we will need delivery and funding partner support to achieve our targets.
“We plan to work closely with various stakeholders and delivery partners such as the Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce, Work Ready Kāpiti and Horowhenua Learning Connection over the course of the plan. We will also continue to work with tangata whenua, who have their own aspirations and priorities for the future that we can support.”
Business and Jobs portfolio holder Councillor Angela Buswell says the plan is needed to address the workforce challenges across our growing district and to position the district to seize the opportunities coming our way.
“This plan is our roadmap to tackling our known workforce challenges head on, together. These challenges include the mismatch of workforce needs and available skills, an ageing population, limited job opportunities, and poor access to training and education for our young people and rangatahi,” Cr Buswell says.
“It’s also part of the mahi under way to prepare for the growth of our district. While commuting is important to many of our residents, offering access to a wider range of jobs and higher average earnings, we need to be preparing to provide greater workforce opportunities locally for existing and incoming residents.”
The plan has three clear goals - create more effective pathways to education and employment opportunities, create better jobs, and create a resilient economy. It also includes and prioritises specific initiatives for Māori, youth, older people, and people with disabilities.
The plan is based on an up-to date analysis of the District’s labour market, its strengths and weaknesses, and is informed by a survey of local businesses and extensive engagement with partners and stakeholders across the Kāpiti Coast.
Read the full plan at Kāpiti Coast District Workforce Plan 2022.