Additional questions are no surprise
Kāpiti Coast District Council is not surprised that the Greater Wellington Regional Council has put forward additional questions concerning Council's Waikanae River Recharge with Groundwater resource consent application.
"This is normal for a project of this size and complexity and is a normal part of the statutory process," said the Project Manager Phil Stroud.
"Late last year we received a list of questions in draft form. They covered a variety of issues and included groundwater modelling, hydrology, draw-down and adaptive management triggers.
"We have since received 11 more questions based on issues raised by submitters. This is not unexpected as it is not unheard of for applicants to receive more questions seeking further information."
Council lodged its application in November last year and submissions to the Greater Wellington Regional Council closed in December.
Greater Wellington received 23 submissions made up of three in support, 18 opposing and two neutral. "This is a relatively low number of submissions considering the high level of public interest in this project which could be attributed to the comprehensive consultation process we went through."
Mr Stroud said Council had been working on the water supply issue for a very long time which had now progressed to this formal consenting process.