Power poles removed on Kapiti Road
The new streamlined look of Kāpiti Road became apparent this week as the last of six power poles on the northern side of the road was removed.
After the poles were lifted out of the ground, equipment at the top of each one was dismantled before being placed onto a truck. The poles were so heavy that the truck could only carry one at a time.
Power lines have now been run through underground ducts, allowing the poles and overhead wires to be removed.
Work this week includes continuing the kerb and channel and footpath construction on the south side of Kāpiti Road outside the Z service station, continuing the footpath on the northern side of Kāpiti Road between Te Roto Drive and the M2PP Expressway site, putting in ducting for LED street lighting, and ducting chambers and poles for traffic signals.
Council’s Group Manager Infrastructure Services Sean Mallon says work is progressing well, including ‘after hours’ operations.
All businesses on Kapiti Road remain open.