Kāpiti has highest usage of eBooks in Australasia
Kāpiti residents read more eBooks than anywhere else in Australasia!
“Three weeks after launching our new Axis360 ebook collection, we found out Kāpiti libraries have the highest usage in Australasia regardless of population size,” says Leeann Morgan, District Library & Arts Manager.
“This is fantastic news as it confirms our community is not afraid to use new technology. It’s heartening that people are really utilising the service which we’ve put a lot of time and effort into providing.”
Kāpiti district libraries also have the largest, per capita, collection of eBooks from Axis360 (one of the world’s biggest ebook providers) in the country with more than 4500 free ebooks and audiobooks for library members to check out.
“Free eBook classes which ran in early May, and showed people how to use Axis360, were incredibly popular,” Ms Morgan says.
“More classes have been planned and these are advertised on our website. If anyone has a particular day and time they would like to attend a session, they should contact us and we can make a class for that person with other library members.”
EBooks can be borrowed anywhere, at any time and reading experience can be customised, such as increasing font size for the visually impaired. Another bonus is that there are no overdue fees because on the day an eBook is due to be checked in, it simply disappears from the borrower’s device.
If you would like to suggest an ebook class time, email [email protected] or phone 296 4700/0800 486 486.
For more information, visit our Facebook page or website.
Photo: Digital services librarian Darren McBride (left) shows library member Trevor Pearson how to use an eBook with Axis 360 sales consultant Nikki Shaw from James Bennett looking on.