Annual waste reduction grants now open
Applications for the Kāpiti Coast District Council’s annual waste reduction grants are now open.
There are two different types of grants - waste levy funds for community projects and waste levy funds for new technologies and seed funding.
Group Manager Infrastructure Services Sean Mallon says this is a great opportunity for community-based organisations and local businesses to fund projects focussed on waste minimisation.
“The purpose of the community projects grant is to support practical, on-the-ground waste minimisation projects that encourage community participation and education,” says Mr Mallon.
“Last years’ successful applicants included a good mix of waste minimisation initiatives including treatment of organic waste, a bike refurbishing project, the development of a plastic-free living guide, promotion of a toy library, and the development of a beach cleaning robot and plastic recycling machine.”
The new technologies and seed funding category is open to businesses, organisations and individuals.
“These grants seek to encourage the establishment of waste minimisation businesses on the Kāpiti Coast and to create opportunities for waste minimisation and economic development through innovative processes and technologies,” says Mr Mallon.
Last year, new technologies and seed funding grants were awarded to consultancy Organic Wealth to offer their waste reduction consultancy services to Kāpiti businesses at a reduced rate.
For more information on Waste Reduction Grants and to apply, click here.