Waste advisor to support community with rubbish and recycling options
The Kāpiti Coast District Council has a brought a new advisor on board to provide free, in-home waste minimisation and rubbish disposal advice and support to Kāpiti residents.
Group Manager Infrastructure Services Sean Mallon says this new resource will help people to try and find an option that suits their situation.
“Rubbish and recycling providers in our area have recently introduced some changes and we know some areas of our community are struggling to figure out their best option going forward. Funded by central government’s waste levy, we’ve now got an advisor who offers free, in-person advice to help you work through your options and try and find a solution that suits you. This service is available for everyone, but will particularly suit those who find the recycling and rubbish disposal options restrictive or tough due to accessibility, illness or cost issues.
“Our Waste Minimisation Advisor has been meeting with the Accessibility Advisory Group and Age Concern, and is already working one on one with a range of residents, who all have unique situations they’re dealing with. She’s had some great results so far. It’s all about helping people understand what’s out there, work in with each person’s routine and make community connections for people.
For more information, or to arrange a meeting with the Waste Minimisation Advisor, please call 0800 486 486.