Waikanae kids’ story telling talent revealed in Council letter-writing competition
Nearly 50 Waikanae kids showed their flair for creative storytelling in the Council’s Why I love Waikanae letter writing competition, held over Easter.
“Our panel had a hard time picking winners because all the entries were excellent – there were so many great stories and pictures to choose from,” says Infrastructure Programme Delivery Manager, Michelle Parnell.
“In the end we picked winners for three age categories – Zahira Masters from the 10-15 years category, Lola Fifield from 5-10 years and Emmeline Vallance from the under-fives.”
Ms Parnell says the Why I love Waikanae competition forms part of the Council’s broader #lovemyneighbourhood campaign, which encourages communities and people to celebrate and recognise the people and places that make our neighbourhoods great.
“What came through very strongly is that, like adults, kids have a strong attachment to their neighbourhoods, whether it’s friends and family, our local playgrounds, our local shops or beaches.”
“Congratulations to the winners and everyone who took part. We’ll have copies of the all entries on display on the old library building soon.”
Ms Parnell says the Waikanae town centre has been humming with activity lately, with the recent Easter Market and the Council’s Mahara Place improvements really taking shape.
“With the underground piping and electrics now in, we'll spend the next few weeks pouring concrete to form the pathways, laying the foundations for the canopies and adding topsoil to the flowerbeds. Pop in and check out the progress.”
Ms Parnell says following the success of the letter-writing competition, the Council’s planning more events in Mahara Place over the next couple of months – starting with Creative Crafts Day on 22 May.
“It’ll be a great day, with Mahara businesses sharing the tricks of their trades with everyone. There’ll be classes on all sorts of things like how to make bunting, sew cushions or take the perfect photo on your phone. We’ll have more information about the day coming out soon.”