Kāpiti Disability Advisory Group
The Council has a longstanding relationship with the Kāpiti Disability Advisory Group (formerly the Kāpiti Disability Reference Group) including a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) setting out the roles and expectations of both parties.
The group, which was established in 2001, helps link Council with disability networks in Kāpiti. It's currently chaired by Joanne Dacombe and has members who represent a wide range of disabilities.
The Advisory Group provides advice to Council on planning, funding, managing and delivering services for people with disabilities – with a particular focus on issues of access, equity and inclusion.
The group has developed the Kāpiti Disability Help Compendium [PDF 763 KB], full of useful information and advice.
The group meets every six weeks. Meetings are supported by a Council Advisor from Connected Communities and attended by a representative from Wellable (previously known as the Kāpiti Disability Information and Equipment Centre).
Recent projects and activities undertaken by the group include providing advice on:
- the design of town centre refurbishments
- the provision of mobility car parks
- footpath treatment to assist visually impaired citizens
- the location of accessible bus stops.
The group is represented on Council’s road safety group, and the walkways, bridle paths and cycleways advisory group.
For more information contact the Chairperson via the Council.
International Day of People with Disability
On 3 December we celebrate the International Day of People with Disability. It’s a day to celebrate ‘nothing about us without us’, which is the global mantra for the empowerment of people with disability. It increases awareness of the benefits of inclusion of people with disability in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.
In 2024, to celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities, the Kāpiti Disability Advisory Group released two videos about the importance of being conscious of people's accessibility needs in everyday life, such as finding places that everyone can enjoy together, keeping our pathways and walkways clear and yes... not parking in the accessible parks! Some of our DAG members even make cameos in the videos!
It's a big deal to us
Being kind goes a long way
- Memorandum of understanding [PDF 67 KB]
- Kāpiti disability help compendium [PDF 763 KB]