We want to take advantage of the opportunities created by the expressways while at the same time helping our communities respond positively to change.
To do this we have a programme of work underway that also supports the Council’s vision for Kāpiti – a thriving environment, a vibrant economy and strong communities.
Our current focus is on making the section of State Highway 1 between Poplar Ave and Peka Peka a fit for purpose local road, transforming our two largest town centres, Waikanae and Paraparaumu, so they continue to service the needs of our communities and become destinations of choice for visitors, businesses and future investment, and to help our community respond positively to the opportunities and changes presented by the expressways.
We are continuing to work with Waka Kotahi (the NZ Transport Agency) to advocate for and to protect the community’s interests during the construction of the Peka Peka to Ōtaki Expressway.
Background to the Kapiti Expressway
The Waka Kotahi announced its decision on the route for the Wellington Northern Corridor on 15 December 2009.
The southern section from Mackays Crossing to Peka Peka was opened to traffic in February 2017, and the northern section from Peka Peka to Ōtaki is currently under construction.
Property owners who are concerned about the effects of the Kāpiti Expressway projects should contact Waka Kotahi (the NZ Transport Agency) directly: 04 894 5200.
Information about property owners' rights is available from Land Information New Zealand