Updating our walking and cycling network plan
One of the great things about Kāpiti is our extensive walking and cycling network.
Our walking and cycling network plan is a 10-year programme of prioritised projects to develop and improve our walking and cycling network. Our previous network plan (known as Stride ’n Ride) is coming to the end of its 10-year life span, so we’re updating it.

Our why
Our vision is to create a walking and cycling network in Kāpiti that’s safe, accessible, and integrated. An enhanced walking and cycling network will improve the safety and accessibility of our active mode transport network and support tourism.
Other benefits of an enhanced walking and cycling network include improving connectivity around key destinations within our district, encouraging more people to use active transport modes thereby supporting emissions reduction initiatives, and future proofing our district for growth.
Updating the plan involves engaging with users and preparing a business case to prioritise projects.
Key dates
Dates | Activity |
May–June 2024 | Community engagement and workshops with key stakeholders. Have your say public consultation closes at midnight, Sunday 9 June. |
July | Draft programme for discussion and ranking. |
Late 2024 | Final programme |
Help shape our walking and cycling network
We asked for your feedback about priorities for future improvements to our walking and cycling network so that we can prepare a business case to prioritise projects in our next 10-year walking and cycling network plan.
We wanted to know about:
- your main walking and cycling routes and how popular they are
- whether you walk and cycle for leisure, or for getting from A to B – for example school, work, gym or the shops
- any parts of the network that feel unsafe and how we can make it safer
- any improvements and extensions to the network that would improve your experience
- your favourite walking and cycling paths and trails, and what you love about them
- where you use other modes of transport, for example, mobility scooter or electric scooter.
You could add pins on a map to show where you cycle and walk and add a comment or photo for all the location that are important to you at haveyoursay.kapiticoast.govt.nz/walkcycle.
You can also leave general comments and ask questions.