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Waikanae Park refresh
Waikanae Park is one of our most popular destination parks. It’s the home of several recreation clubs, including pony and dog clubs and various sporting clubs. It also hosts a weekly market and is the site of a popular playground, skatepark and pump track.
We worked with regular user groups and our community to develop a masterplan for the park. The masterplan sets out our vision for maintaining and developing the park, so it continues to be a place for everyone.
The masterplan recommends a list of improvements which will be delivered over time:
- new playground equipment, including All Abilities play equipment
- installing new safety surfaces
- upgrading the skatepark
- enhancing the community market area
- reviewing the southern car parks
- installing a new toilet block
- building a half-size basketball court
- updating the pump track
- updating lighting, shade and safety features
- installing communication boards.
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A recent condition assessment confirms the playground equipment is at the end of its useful life and could become dangerous to users. It needs to be replaced. The skatepark is also due for an upgrade because the riding surface is deteriorating.
Refreshing the playground and building a new skatepark are, therefore, the first projects we’re doing to update and improve Waikanae Park. We’ll complete the design of the playground and skatepark to ensure the look and feel fits the agreed approach and to achieve cost-effectiveness during the design phase.
For budgeting purposes, construction funding has been spread over several years. We will build the new playground first and construction of the skatepark will follow.
Upgrade timeline
We asked our community about was important to them about the playground area
Early 2025
Tender to engage a team of playground expert designers, suppliers and builders. Together, we’ll take what we heard from our community and develop a concept plan for the new playground and skatepark.
We’ll share the concept plan with our community for comment.
Late 2025
Finalise design of new playground and skatepark.
April/May 2026
Build new playground.
May 2026
New playground opens!