Do it online
Get it done online. Select a category below.
Events, bookings
Apply for a permit to run an event, operate rides, and book waste resources. Find and book venues, halls, parks, sports fields, pools, leisure centres, libraries and community notice boards.
Food, health, trade
Licences, permits and rules for selling food, fundraising, and signs. Health and beauty and other businesses.
Parking, roading, transport
Pay a parking fine or request a waiver. Apply for a road name or to have dust seal laid. Pay a parking fine or request a waiver.
Parks, reserves, public pools
Booking sports grounds, gathering resources from our open spaces, booking swimming lessons
Property, rates
Order a LIM, property file or other property information. Pay your property rates, request changes in property rates, apply for financial assistance. Solicitors' property rates services.
Requests and job vacancies
Contact us to ask a question, book a meeting with Mayor or apply for a job.
Resource consents
Apply for a consent for subdivisions, earthworks, land use, existing use. Renew or cancel an existing consent.