Parking, roading, transport
Pay a parking fine or request a waiver. Apply to have dust seal laid.
Legend: Online form
Downloadable form
Apply to build or change a vehicle crossing
New vehicle crossings or changes to existing crossings must meet certain conditions, and Council must approve them before any site works can begin.
Vehicle crossing application [DOCX 57 KB]
Apply to change a road's legal status ('road stopping')
Land owners with legal unformed road adjoining their property may apply to have the road 'stopped', changing the road's legal status.
Road stopping application [DOCX 1.38 MB]
Pay a parking fine
If you get a ticket, you have 28 days to pay the fine.
Request waiver of a parking fine
If you believe you're unfairly being charged a parking fine, you may request Council waive the fine.
Request to cancel infringement offence notice
Request to cancel infringement offence notice [PDF 132 KB]
Book a car seat check
One of our road safety initiatives is offering free child restraint checks.